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Field of Art & Design

Textile & Apparel Design Program

Textile & Apparel Design Program

Required Courses Dual Degree Duration
50 Courses Not Available  8 Semesters
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
English 144 Hours 49,000 EGP

Program Overview

This program is the first of its kind in Egypt.

Textile and Apparel Design, commonly referred to as Fashion Design, is a unique program in Egypt. Students will learn drawing and design fundamentals, draping, pattern-making, construction, fabric analysis, and the development of textile and fashion concepts or products; including their fabrication and presentation.

The program shapes and develop education that empowers the imagination and innovation of students through sustainability, leadership, media and collaborative methods which would contribute in research, interdisciplinary projects and the evolvement of the fashion industry and its community.

Degree Requirements

To graduate this program, you need to study the following credit hours:

University Requirements: 20 Credit Hours.

General Field Requirements: (6-11) Credit Hours.

General Specialty Requirements: (109-125) Credit Hours.

Total: (140 -144) = 144 Credit Hours.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will possess the following learning outcomes:

Identify the fundamentals, methodologies and ethics of scientific research in addition to its tools in obtaining advanced research outcomes in the field of textile and fashion design.

Explain the environmental impact of the textile and fashion industries and their role in the development and sustainability of the environment.

Explain the principles and methods of quality according to the standard specifications of the textile and fashion industry.

Identify innovative textile and fashion products based on materials and advanced techniques.

Incorporate IT applications and integrated computer systems into the textile and fashion industry.

Prepare research studies in the fields of textile and fashion design and production.

Evaluate modern technology for smart materials to enhance the performance of textile and fashion products.

Determine the relationship between the functions and characteristics required for textile and fashion products, costs and their relationship to design.

Master the skills of textile design and production based on innovative and traditional production methods.

Evaluate textiles, fashion, product design; and test tools and methods aimed for scientific development.

Design Textile and fashion products to harmonize with the surrounding environment and to achieve an outstanding performance and excellence.

Play a variety of roles within the professional field of fashion, including design, creative and research practice, styling, visual merchandising, textiles design, marketing and public relations, and production.

Potential Career Opportunities

Graduates of our Fashion Design program embark on many rewarding career choices, including;

Textile Designer.

Fabric Prints Designer.

Quality Controller.

Accessories designer.

Pattern Developer.


Tuition Fees (Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: 49,000 EGP
  • Annual administrative fees (to be paid before the first semester): 9,480 EGP
  • Admission administrative fees(To  be paid once on the admission’s semester): 6,500 EGP
  • Total first year’s fees: 64,980 EGP
  • Admission’s semester fees: 40,480 EGP
  • Second-semester fees: 24,500 EGP
  • Next year’s fees: 58,480 EGP

  • An annual increase of 5% – 10% will be applied to the prescribed fees as per the decision made by the University Council.

Tuition Fees (Non-Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: $3,500

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