“Towards Green Transformation” is what we strive to achieve on GU Campus. Hence, a symposium titled “Post COP27, from Plans to Action” was held as part of a research project entitled “Students as Changemakers: Defining the Role of Future Universities in Building Climate Resilient Communities”. The workshop included holding a competition for students in innovation, awareness, and entrepreneurship, where the students presented creative models for their distinguished projects from various university disciplines. The project, which is supervised and managed by Dr. Maged Zagow, the Director of the Architectural Design and Digital Architecture Program, focuses on training and educating students on sustainability standards in universities and building their capacities to serve the community to make it able to adapt to climate change and its effects, as well as how to reduce the carbon footprint and transform the university campus towards zero carbon emissions. A group of Students and Faculty from Nottingham Trent University participated in all the symposium activities including lectures, workshops and students’ competition. It’s worth mentioning that the project is funded by the British Council in cooperation with Nottingham Trent University in the UK within the framework of the UK-Egypt Higher Education Climate Change Partnerships.