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From Classroom to Industry: GU and Siemens Bridge the Gap with Specialized Training

In a major step towards international collaboration and preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow, GU President Prof. Dr. Mohamed El Shinawi welcomed representatives from Siemens for a special seminar on “Digital Transformation and Sustainability.”

Over 250 eager students from the Engineering and Computer Science faculties packed the lecture hall to hear from Siemens experts about how digital tools can be used to create a more sustainable future. The presentations covered everything from smart software that manages energy use in factories to robots that help build eco-friendly buildings.

But the learning doesn’t stop there! A select group of GU students will get the chance to take specialized training courses at Siemens facilities. This hands-on experience will give them the skills and knowledge they need to hit the ground running in the exciting world of sustainable technology.

This partnership is a big win for GU and its students. It shows the university’s commitment to providing a world-class education that prepares graduates for the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. And for students, it’s a chance to gain valuable experience from a global leader in sustainability.


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