Tamer Abdelkader received the B.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering and the M.Sc. degree in computer and information sciences from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2003, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, Ontario, ON, Canada, in 2012. After graduation, he was with the University of Waterloo as a Postdoctoral Researcher and a Visiting Researcher. He worked as the Manager of the Information and Technology Research Consultancy Center, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt. He also worked as an Information and Technological Consultant in several governmental and private companies, including the Information and Communication Technology Project, Egypt, and the Ministry of Electricity. He became a Vice-Dean for Community Services and Environmental Affairs with the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences, Ain Shams University. He is currently a Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Galala University. He is the author of several publications in IEEE Transactions and other ranked journals and conferences. His current research interests include network and information security, wireless networking, and privacy-preserving data mining.
“Secure Energy Management for Integrating Renewable Energy Generators into the Smart Electrical Grid” in Egypt-US Cooperation, Grant: collaborative research cycle 22.
Director of the Information Technology Research and Consultancy Center (ITRCC), Ain Shams University, Feb 2017- Dec 2018:
ITRCC aims at providing consultancy and technical services in the development and marketing of software programs and computing hardware to public and private organizations.
Network Consultant, Information & Communication Technology Project (ICTP), Supreme Council of Universities, Aug 2013-Aug 2015:
ICTP aims at supporting the Egyptian Universities in establishing a robust, standards-based infrastructure, including hardware, software, associated applications, intra-, inter-university connectivity, and global connectivity through the Internet, as well as integrating all aspects of these components into coherent and sustainable structure.
Network Consultant, Egyptian Electric Utility and consumer Protection Regulatory Agency, The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Jan 2013-July 2013:
Information technology Dept.: Redesign and Management of the building network. Securing the communication inside the building and among the different IT units in the electric companies.
Software Developer, Sakhr Software, June 1998 – Sept. 1998:
Machine Translation Department: Writing and testing functions using C++ to analyze and interpret Arabic text documents.
Software Developer, Horizon Interactive, Oct. 1998 – Feb. 2000:
Nasser Project: A documentary project rich with multimedia such as videos and audios about one of the ex-presidents of Egypt. A team of three, including me, was responsible for writing VC++ code to present the information and multimedia resources in a user friendly style.