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Mohamed El-Sayed

Mohamed El-Sayed 

Associate Professor Artificial Intelligence Science & Biomedical Informatics Program Director



Mohamed Elsayed received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer science from the Zagazig University, in 2008 and 2011, respectively. He received Ph.D. degree in mathematics and computer science from Zagazig University, Egypt in 2014. From 2008 to 2011, he was appointed an  Assistant lecturer in the Department of computer science. He is an associate professor at Zagazig university, Egypt.

Dr. Mohamed is the author of more than 200 articles. His research interests include metaheuristic technique, security IoT, cloud computing machine learning, signal processing, image processing, and evolutionary algorithms.


  • Faculty of Science BSc, Zagazig University. 2004 – 2008.
  • Computer Science PhD, Faculty of Science, Zagazig. 2011-2014 University Thesis title: “Signal Analysis based on matrix factorization techniques”.
  • Computer Science Master, Zagazig University. 2011 Thesis title: “independent component and its applications”.

Area Of Research

  • Machine Learning.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Bio-inspired machine learning.
  • Cloud Computing. 
  • Renewable energy development.
  • All related computer science trends.


  • ScienceUp with Grant 6622 (2020-2021) from Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.
  • ScienceUp with Grant 6619 (2020-2021) from Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.
  • ScienceUp with Grant 6624 (2020-2021) from Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.
  • Clinical agriculture Project with SDTF (2020-2022) from Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.


Member of the research group at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

Academic Positions

  • Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt. (2-2020 : Current).
  • Computer Science Lecturer, Computer Science Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, Egypt. (9-2014 : 2-2020).
  • An assistant lecturer of Mathematics & computer science (2011 : 2014).
  • Demonstrator of Mathematics & computer science (2009-2011).

Awards / Honorable Mentions

  • Egyptian Encouragement Award 2020 in Engineering field.
  • Award of publication in high journals from Zagazig university (2015 : 2020).
  • The Award of publication in high journals from Wuhan university and technology, China for the publication during the Post-doctoral (2017-2018).