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Field of Art & Design

Visual Art Program

Visual Art Program

Required Courses Dual Degree Duration
52 Courses Available 8 Semesters
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
English 144 Cr. Hrs. 49,000 EGP


Tuition Fees Disclaimer

The tuition fees listed are based on the previous academic year (2024/2025) and are subject to change. Updated fees for the 2025/2026 academic year will be announced soon. Applicants are encouraged to check back regularly for the latest updates.

Program Overview

Visual arts program concerns all technical and artistic approaches to produce visual arts in an innovative and creative manner. In a wide range of mediums and techniques, visual arts students work with painting, printmaking, sculpting and design to develop artistic messages that influence the community and communicate with a large segment of the art audience. The program prepares professional and qualified artists to assume responsibility, and to take part in major art centres in various sectors of the State.

Visual art is recognized through a wide spectre of expressions, from drawing and painting, crafts, architecture, design, art in public space and art in social relations. The pathway of visual arts offers a focus on visual art, graphic design, and multi-media design. A Visual Art degree provides students with experience with drawing, design, painting, and history.  

We celebrate the visual arts not only in the way we create images and objects but also in the way we appreciate, enjoy, respect and respond to the practices of art-making by others from around the world. Theories and practices in visual arts are dynamic and ever-changing, and connect many areas of knowledge and human experience through individual and collaborative exploration, creative production and critical interpretation.

What You’ll Learn as a Visual Arts Major 

·       Artistic creativity through making art in a studio setting

·       A responsive eye and a sense of visual literacy

·       The relationship between art and society

·       Modern art concepts and contemporary trends as well as the major artistic epochs of the past


Degree Requirements

University Requirements:  20 Cr. Hrs

.General Field Requirements: ( 6-11) Cr. Hr

General Specialty Requirements: (109 -125) Cr. Hrs

Total: (140 -144) = 144 Cr. Hrs.+ 9 Cr. Hrs. Training

Learning Outcomes

The program aims to achieve the learning and proficiency of the following programs that help to form a graduate specialized in the various visual arts: 

  • Multimedia design
  • Graphic Design and Book Arts 
  • Advanced Digital Arts
  •  Specific various computer programs and software
  •  Visual art designs
  •  General History of Art 
  • Specific History of Art.

A Visual Arts degree gives you the strategic skills you need, including:

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Graphic Design
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Painting
  • Drawing
  • Adobe Creative Suite

Future Job Opportunities

The world needs artists now more than ever. This program from GU prepares you for careers ranging from teaching art to young children to running your own studio. Graduates may choose careers as:

  • Professional Artist (Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Installation artist etc…)
  • Digital Artists (2D & 3D) 
  •  Graphic Artist
  • Decorator (wall design, interior, exterior and landscape)
  • Art Director
  • Curator
  • Gallery Director
  • Mural Designer (tromp l ’oil, Mosaic, mixed media etc…)
  • VR & AR artist/designer

Tuition Fees (Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: 49,000 EGP
  • Annual administrative fees (to be paid before the first semester): 9,480 EGP
  • Admission administrative fees(To  be paid once on the admission’s semester): 6,500 EGP

Tuition Fees (Non-Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: $3,500