Galala University (GU) recently hosted the largest engineering competition ever held for school students on its campus. The event, aptly named “Engineering IDOL,” aimed to inspire and empower young minds while fostering innovation and creativity. Over a week, talented school students between the ages of 14 and 17 showcased their skills and passion for engineering...Read More
In an exciting venture into the world of cutting-edge biotechnology and cultural exchange, students from the Molecular Biotechnology Program at Galala University have embarked on a comprehensive visit to Italy, starting from February 3rd to 11th, 2024. This educational journey is part of the university’s commitment to providing its students with hands-on experience in the...Read More
Galala University– February 5, 2024 – Coinciding with the launch of PRIMA 2024 funding opportunities, Galala University (GU) hosted an informative session on the program’s call for “strengthening R&I capacities in Egypt.” This event, held in collaboration with PRIMA, ASRT (Academy of Scientific Research and Technology), STDF (Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority) and DAAD,...Read More
February 4th, 2024 In a significant stride toward academic excellence and international recognition, Galala University (GU) was honored to host Dr. Agueda Benito, Chief Academic Officer of Cintana Education, for a series of enriching workshops aimed at bolstering GU’s Quality Assurance Systems and US accreditation endeavors. This event marks a notable chapter in the ongoing...Read More
Galala University and Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait have signed a cooperation protocol to offer scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year. Aimed at supporting outstanding students from low-income families, the collaboration spans various fields, including computer engineering, physical therapy, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, applied health sciences, medicine, and basic sciences. This initiative ensures that the most...Read More
Introducing an extraordinary opportunity for students at GU to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world! We are thrilled to announce the launch of the highly anticipated GU Workshops series, a groundbreaking initiative that brings together leading designers and academics to empower students and connect them with the job market and industry. In...Read More
We are delighted to share the exciting news that Galala University (GU) has achieved extraordinary rankings in the prestigious 2023 Arab University Ranking. In just its fourth year of operation, GU has secured an outstanding 1st place among the Egyptian National Universities, an impressive 19th place among all Egyptian universities, and a remarkable 55th place...Read More
In a major step towards international collaboration and preparing students for the jobs of tomorrow, GU President Prof. Dr. Mohamed El Shinawi welcomed representatives from Siemens for a special seminar on “Digital Transformation and Sustainability.” Over 250 eager students from the Engineering and Computer Science faculties packed the lecture hall to hear from Siemens experts...Read More
December 31, 2023 By the beginning of a new year, Prof. Dr. Mohamed El Shinawi, GU President, emphasized that the university executed numerous activities and events at the conclusion of its third year, 2022-2023. Galala University ranked first among national universities and 19th among all Egyptian universities according to the Arab University Ranking. It also...Read More
Dear GU Community, As we stand on the threshold of a new year, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and optimism. Reflecting upon the achievements of the past year, it is with a sense of pride that I acknowledge the unwavering dedication and commendable efforts demonstrated by our distinguished faculty and staff....Read More
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