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Field of Computer Science

Computer Science Program


Big Data Analytics
Computer Vision
Track Name Required Courses Duration
Big Data Analytics  46 Courses 8 Semesters
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
English 127 Hours 69,000 EGP
Track Name Required Courses Duration
Computer Vision 46 Courses 8 Semesters
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
English 127 Hours 69,000 EGP

Tuition Fees Disclaimer

The tuition fees listed are based on the previous academic year (2024/2025) and are subject to change. Updated fees for the 2025/2026 academic year will be announced soon. Applicants are encouraged to check back regularly for the latest updates.

Program Overview

Computer scientists make the world better.

No one can deny that Technology has made the world better, faster, and more connected. But this didn’t happen by magic. Thanks to the brilliant minds of computer science graduates we arrived here, who took their passion for technology and used it to create gadgets and computer programs that help us every day.

As we live in a digital age, most industries depend on data and software programs. Computer Science impacts everything, from scientific research to health development, transport, banking, or even communications. Even objects like microwave ovens, fridges, or door locks are now connected to our Wi-Fi networks and personal assistants. You can be one of those brilliant people who work on innovations that will take humanity forward.

If you have a lot of patience, an eye for detail, and enjoy work that requires a high level of precision, a computer science degree might be right for you.

Why is computer science important?

Computer science is the study of how we interact with information and computers’ role in our daily lives. As a computer scientist, you can play an important role in creating technology that improves society. As a GU computer science graduate, you will definitely have the ability to predict the future as machine learning algorithms can now predict natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis. You can also improve the world as computer scientists research technological advancements that support society and make people’s lives easier. Most importantly, you’ll Stop cyber-attacks which became a risk for individuals, businesses, and governments. As more and more of our lives are online and companies store large amounts of user data, a robust security approach is essential to stop threats.

  • With a Computer Science degree, you’ll learn all the concepts and skills you need to dive into the future where Technology is part of, and it is up to people like you to decide how it will impact and shape our world.

Degree Requirements

In order to receive your bachelor degree, you need to study the following credit hours:

University Requirement: 20 Credit Hours.

Mathematics & Basic Science: 25 Credit Hours.

Computer Science & Engineering: 39 Credit Hours.

AI science & Engineering: 6 Credit Hours.

Advanced Specially Requirement: 27 Credit Hours.

Project & Training: 10 Credit Hours.

Total: 127 Credit Hours.

The student can choose one of the following tracks:

Big Data Analytics: the graduate should prepare Big Data and extract knowledge and Information from it and distribute Big Data processing on various servers and collect results.

Computer Vision: the graduate should process digital images, increase their quality, build computer vision software and systems and maintain them, and build pattern recognition systems.

To become an expert and occupy one of the best Computer Science jobs, you’ll need to develop certain skills. Critical thinking and problem-solving go hand in hand and help you determine whether you work on debugging a program or trying to figure out how to prevent hackers from breaching your company’s firewall. Analytical skills are beneficial for professionals who work with big data or algorithms and are looking for patterns or creating instructions.

Learning Outcomes

The graduates of this program will posses the following skills:

Use the acquired sciences and adapt it to develop and design software programs and systems that are suitable for the market and environment needs.

Prepare Big Data and extract knowledge and information from it.

Build computer vision software and systems and maintain them.

Build pattern recognition systems and embed them with interactive multimedia systems along with mixed and augmented reality.

Deal with different designs of databases and how to store them


Potential Career Opportunities

Computer science can lead to exciting career opportunities across a range of industries. It can also create global opportunities as Multinational companies around the world are looking for computer scientists to solve their business problems. These are just some jobs you could go into: 

Applications Developer.

Cyber Security Analyst.

Software Developer.

Data Analyst.

IT Consultant.

Database Administrator.

Web Developer.

Tuition Fees (Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: 69,000 EGP
  • Annual administrative fees (to be paid before the first semester): 9,880 EGP
  • Admission administrative fees(To  be paid once on the admission’s semester): 8,500 EGP

Tuition Fees (Non-Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: $5,500

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