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Field of Engineering

Mechatronics & Industrial Automation Program

Mechatronics & Industrial Automation Program

Required Courses Dual Degree Duration
59 Courses Not Available  10 Semesters
Language Credit Hours Annual Fees
English 165 Cr. Hrs. 75,000 EGP

Program Overview


Imagine stepping out of your smart home, taking a self-driving vehicle to your favorite restaurant, and getting served by a robotic waitress.

The field of automation is steadily growing and finding its way into every home, company, and industry. If you want to engineer the next generation of smart machines, the mechatronics and industrial automation program is your ideal choice.

Today, with the rapid improvement of technology in the sectors of machinery, electronics, computer hardware, and computer software, alongside the development of industrial automation, we have started to use intelligent machines and robots in the industry, leading to a need for a new engineering field that can find a place in all stages of development of these new technologies. With a degree in mechatronics engineering–the integration of electrical and mechanical systems that involve electronics, mechanical systems, computers, imaging and sensing, automation, and robotics–you’ll drive smart products’ design and development.

  • What is Mechatronics?Mechatronics engineering is concerned with the synergy of electrical, computer, and mechanical technologies. Students study a diverse range of courses in technical design, automation, and operational performance of the electromechanical systems used in defense, advanced manufacturing, mining, and health. This means that you will learn various mechatronics engineering concepts, skills, and practices as part of your degree.
  • What Is Industrial Automation?Industrial automation focuses on using technology to achieve tasks with minimal human intervention.The objective of this program is to understand the purpose of controlling advanced hybrid systems. It also enhances the candidates' numeric ability and helps them understand tools useful in various mechanic activities. The program is designed to enable the students to handle electrical and mechanical devices and machines involved in various technical processes.

Since automation has taken over most industries, Mechatronics Engineering has gained a lot of importance as skilled engineers are required to deal with production and manufacturing and are also required to provide customer support.

Degree Requirements

In order to graduate, you need to study the following:

University Requirement:(14+6) = 20 Credit Hours.

General Field Requirement:(33+0) = 33 Credit Hours.

General Specialty Requirement: (64+3) = 67 Credit Hours.

Minor Specialty Requirements: (30+15) = 45 Credit Hours.

Total: (141+24) = 165 Credit Hours .

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of this program will be able to:

Test the performance of electromechanical assemblies.

Install electronic parts and hardware.

Operate, test, or maintain robotic equipment.

Analyze and record test results, often through written documentation.

Read blueprints, schematics, and diagrams.

Use precision measuring instruments.

Operate metalworking machines.

Inspect, repair, and calibrate hydraulic and pneumatic parts.

Potential Career Opportunities

After graduating from this program, you may choose from the following career paths:

  • Mechatronics Engineer
    Mechatronics Engineers use their understanding of mechanical, electrical, robotics, and other forms of engineering to develop and maintain various smart technologies in a range of industries.
  • Robotics Engineer
    On a daily basis, a Robotics Engineer might perform a variety of tasks related to robotics depending on the organization that employs them. Most often, these tasks revolve around designing, building, and testing robotic systems, but might also include maintenance and upkeep, as well as research and development to make the system more cost-effective.
  • Automation Engineer
    Automation engineers work to implement and maintain automated workflows within their organization. These professionals work to identify automation opportunities within their workplace, and then design, deploy, and maintain the technologies that are required for automation. They are commonly employed in the automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing industries. Automation engineers are often concerned with issues of output, efficiency, and safety, particularly in environments where human personnel interact directly with automated technologies.
  • Mechanical Engineer
    Mechanical engineers work directly with a variety of mechanical systems. Because mechanical engineering is an incredibly broad discipline, mechanical engineers can perform a wide range of tasks depending on the industry they work within, as well as their specific position on the engineering team.
  • Electronics Engineer
    Electronics engineers are primarily responsible for researching, designing, developing, building, and implementing the components of electrical devices or systems. They can be employed by industries as diverse as manufacturing, transportation, aerospace and defence, finance, medicine, and everything in between.
  • Electromechanical Engineer
    The job title of an electromechanical engineer is very similar in many regards to that of a mechatronics engineer. Individuals who hold this position are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining mechanical systems which also include electrical components. As such, electromechanical engineers perform many of the same tasks outlined above.
  • Robotics Programmer
    Robotics programmers are responsible for developing the computer software, applications, controls, and other programs that robotics systems need to function within an operation


Tuition Fees (Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: 75,000 EGP
  • Annual administrative fees (to be paid before the first semester): 10,000 EGP
  • Admission administrative fees(To  be paid once on the admission’s semester): 8,500 EGP

Tuition Fees (Non Egyptian Students)

  • Annual tuition fees: $6,000

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