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Explore the possibilities with Galala University's International Grants Portal!

Discover the exciting opportunities that await you. Feel free to explore the available grants, and don’t hesitate to reach out for any assistance or additional information.

we are dedicated to fostering a global academic community, and our International Grants Portal is designed to support various initiatives aimed at enhancing internationalization within our academic landscape. Our grants cater to different segments, ensuring a diverse range of opportunities for students, postgraduates, and academics.

Undergraduates Grants

Our Student Grants are tailored to provide financial assistance and support for students pursuing international experiences. Whether it's participating in exchange programs, attending conferences, or engaging in global projects, we aim to empower students to broaden their horizons.VIEW GRANTS

Postgraduate Grants

Postgraduate Grants are available to support the research endeavors and academic pursuits of postgraduate students. These grants aim to facilitate collaboration, knowledge exchange, and impactful contributions to their respective fields on a global scale.VIEW GRANTS

Academic Grants

Our Academic Grants target faculty members, researchers, and academic staff seeking opportunities for international collaboration. These grants are designed to support projects, workshops, and initiatives that promote cross-cultural exchange and academic advancement.VIEW GRANTS