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International Students


  1. To be eligible for admission, international students must fulfil all secondary school graduation requirements.
  2. The application can be accessed online
  3. The student will receive a notification via email containing all the necessary details.
  4. The application fee is 150 USD (nonrefundable) and should be paid according to the instructions provided in the application.
  5. No admission test or interview is required for international students.
  6. Students are required to attach clear scanned copies of their high school certificate, passport, and complete the payment for the application fees.
  7. The admission team will assess the application and the high school certificate.
  8. Once all admission requirements are met, the applicant will receive a provisional acceptance email.
  9. Detailed information regarding university transportation and accommodation will be provided to the students.
  10. Students are required to make a payment of 50% of the annual tuition fees for their chosen program in order to complete their official enrolment at the university.
  11. Students must submit all the original required documents to the university.
  12. The university will provide any necessary proof of enrolment to assist international students in their residency procedures.
  13. It is crucial to adhere to the announced deadlines.
  14. Admission Department GU Contact details

Email: admission@gu.edu.eg

Phone: 002 15888

Annual tuition fees for dual degrees for NON-EGYPTIAN NEW students



Program Annual First Year Fees In USD
Administrative Sciences (Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, Marketing, Sports Business) 9,000$
Computer Science (Software Engineering Program, Information Technology Program, Graphic Information Technology Program) 10,000$
Engineering (Electrical Engineering Program) 11,000$
Social and Human Sciences (Psychology Program) 9,000$


Annual tuition fees of Galala University degrees for NON-EGYPTIAN NEW students

Administrative Sciences 3500$ Engineering 6000$
Architecture Engineering 6000$ Media Production 3500$
Art and Design 3500$ Medicine 7500$
Basic Sciences 4500$ Nursing 4500$
Computer Engineering



Pharmacy 6250$
Computer Science Physical Therapy 6000$
Dentistry 6750$ Social and Human Sciences 3500$
Tuition Fees Disclaimer

The tuition fees listed are based on the previous academic year (2024/2025) and are subject to change. Updated fees for the 2025/2026 academic year will be announced soon. Applicants are encouraged to check back regularly for the latest updates.

  1. Bank Account Details:
  2. Bank: National Bank of Egypt
  3. Account Number: 0093061180356601019
  4. Branch: Capital Branch
  5. Account Number (IBAN): EG370003000930611803566010190
  6. Swift Code: NBEGEGCX009
  7. Students must submit all the original required documents to the university.
  8. The university will provide any necessary proof of enrollment to assist international students in their residency procedures.
  9. It is crucial to adhere to the announced deadlines.
  10. Refund Policy: [Please provide the specific details about the refund policy here.]
Withdrawal Time Allowed Refund of Tuition Fees
Before Start of the Classes Full Refund with 10% deduction of the semester tuition fees for new students in addition to deducting the whole admission administrative fees. 
First and Second Week of Classes of the semester Full Refund with 50% deduction of the semester tuition fees for new students in addition to deducting the whole admission administrative fees. 
Starting from the Third Week of Classes  No refund is allowed.


No other fees are subject to refund

Application Requirements

    Field Certificate Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Nursing, Physical Therapy  Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Computer Engineering Computer Science, Applied Health Sciences Technology, Basic Sciences Administrative Sciences, Art & Design, Media Production, Social and Human Sciences
Egyptian Thanaweya Amma  Thanaweya Amma Science Section Thanaweya Amma Math Section  Thanaweya Amma Math or Science Section Thanaweya Amma Math or Science or Literature Section
American Diploma

Overall scores of 8 different subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, and Biology.

The minimum required score for ESTI or SATI 800/ 1600 or ACTI 14.

ESTII or SATII or ACTII is Required (The minimum score for ESTII or SATII 900/1600 or ACTII Biology) 

SAT and ACT trials, of American schools’ students outside Egypt, are considered.

Only Official Super Matching Results from the Ministry of Education, are accepted.

Overall scores of 8 different subjects including Chemistry, Physics, Math & Advanced Math (or ESTII or SATII or ACTII) and English.

The minimum required score for ESTI or SATI 800/ 1600 or ACTI 14.

ESTII or SATII or ACTII is Optional (The minimum score for ESTII or SATII 900/1600 or ACTII Math) 

SAT and ACT trials, of American schools’ students outside Egypt, are considered.

Only Official Super Matching Results from the Ministry of Education, are accepted.

Overall scores of 8 different subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, and Biology or Advanced Math or ESTII or SATII or ACTII.

The minimum required score for ESTI or SATI 800/ 1600 or ACTI 14.

ESTII or SATII or ACTII is Optional (The minimum score for ESTII or SATII 900/1600 or ACTII Biology) 

SAT and ACT trials, of American schools’ students outside Egypt, are considered.

Only Official Super Matching Results from the Ministry of Education, are accepted.

Overall scores of 8 different subjects.

The minimum required score for ESTI or SATI 800/ 1600 or ACTI 14 and SATII or EST II 900/1600 or ACT II Biology.

ESTII or SATII or ACTII is optional (The minimum score for ESTII or SATII 900/1600 or ACTII).

SAT and ACT trials, of American schools’ students outside Egypt, are considered.

Only Official Super Matching Results from the Ministry of Education, are accepted.

Canadian Diploma Overall scores of 8 different subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, and Biology. Overall scores of 8 different subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, Advanced Math and English. Overall scores of 8 different subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, and Biology or Advanced Math. Overall scores of 8 different subjects. 
CNISE Overall scores of 7 L1 subjects + 2 L2 subjects or 1 L3 subject including Chemistry, Physics, Math and Biology. Overall scores of 7 L1 subjects + 2 L2 subjects or 1 L3 subject including Chemistry, Physics and Math. Overall scores of 7 L1 subjects + 2 L2 subjects or 1 L3 subject including Chemistry, Physics, Math and Biology. Overall scores of 7 L1 subjects + 2 L2 subjects or 1 L3 subject.
French Baccalaureate

Overall scores of 7 different Subjects, including BiologyChemistry.

Minimum Moyenne 10/20

Overall scores of 7 Subjects, including Physics, Math.

Minimum Moyenne 10/20

Overall scores of 7 different Subjects, including BiologyChemistry or PhysicsMath.

Minimum Moyenne 10/20

Overall scores of 7 different Subjects.

Minimum Moyenne 10/20

German Abitur Overall scores of 7 different Subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, and Biology. Overall scores of 7 different Subjects, Including Chemistry, Physics, Math, and English. Overall scores of 7 different Subjects, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, English, and Biology. Overall scores of 7 different subjects.

Overall scores of 8 different subjects OL or ASL or AL Biology, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, & Biology 

Minimum grade C for OL & D for ASL or AL + 1 AL Biology

Overall scores of 8 different subjects OL or ASL or AL including Chemistry, Physics, Math, in addition to one ASL or AL Math.

Minimum grade C for OL & D for ASL or AL

Overall scores of 8 different subjects OL or ASL, or AL, including Chemistry, Physics, Math, & Biology or additional ASL or AL Math.

Minimum grade C for OL & D for ASL or AL 

Overall scores of 8 different subjects OL or ASL or AL.

Minimum grade C for OL & D for ASL or AL

International Baccalaureate

Overall scores of 6 different Subjects, including 3 Subjects HL (Biology, Chemistry and any other subject).

Passed in an extended essay, the theory of knowledge

Overall scores of 6 different Subjects including 3 Subjects HL (Physics, Math and any other subject)

Passed in the extended essay, the theory of knowledge.

Overall scores of 6 different Subjects, including 3 Subjects HL (Biology, Chemistry or Physics, Math and any other subject).

Passed in an extended essay, the theory of knowledge

Overall scores of 6 different Subjects

Passed in the extended essay, the theory of knowledge

Pass IB (24 points)

Important Documents

Final admission is pending satisfying the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities requirements, receiving the acceptance email from Galala University, submission of all required official documents and paying the semester's tuition fees.

The documents required for admission:

  • The original high school certificate or transcript approved by the home country Ministry of Education (to be stamped later from the home country embassy in Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 
  • For the students of the Arab or foreign equivalency certificates; A complete approved and authenticated certificate is required from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
  • Original birth certificate stamped by the Egyptian Embassy in the home country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo 
  • 2 copies of the student’s passport 
  • 8 personal photos 6×4 on white background.
  • Proof of paying semester’s tuitions fees.


American Diploma Requirements

The Original Documents Of

  • Final High School Diploma obtained from Egypt must be stamped by the school and stamp of Egyptian Educational Authorities 
  • For certificates obtained from schools outside Egypt – stamp of school and the U.S. Accreditation Institution+ and stamp of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and stamp of Egyptian Embassy in country of certificate are required.
  • For ACT Score(s), to be stamped by ACT authentication organization and Egyptian Educational Authorities 
  • Proof of 12 years of schooling obtained from Egypt stamped by School stamp and certified by the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • Proof of 12 years of schooling obtained from outside Egypt stamped by School stamp, the stamp of the Ministry of Education in the country of the school, the Egyptian Embassy in that foreign country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • For Arab students only, Arabic and Religion test scores of Thanaweya Amma level, stamped by the school and the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • For Arab students, Arabic and Religion obtained from outside Egypt, the required stamps are: School stamp, Ministry of High Education in the country of the school, the Egyptian embassy in the country of the school and the ministry of foreign affairs in the country of the school.

IGCSE Requirements

The Original Documents Of:

  • IGCSE-Slips obtained from Egypt stamped by the British Council as True Documents only + stamp of Ministry of Foreign Affairs + stamp of Egyptian Educational Authorities 
  • IGCSE Slips obtained from outside Egypt, required stamp of British Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Egyptian Embassy in country of certificate(s).
  • Proof of 12 years of schooling obtained from Egypt stamped by School stamp and certified by the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • Proof of 12 years of schooling obtained from outside Egypt stamped by School stamp, Ministry of Education in the country of the school, the Egyptian Embassy in that foreign country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • For Arab students, Arabic and Religion test scores of Thanaweya Amma level, stamped by the school and the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • For Arab students, Arabic and Religion obtained from outside Egypt, the required stamps are: School stamp, Ministry of High Education in the country of the school, the Egyptian embassy in the country of the school and the ministry of foreign affairs in the country of the school.
  • Proof of 11 years of schooling may be accepted if authorized from the Egyptian Ministry of Education

IB Requirements

The Original Documents Of:

  • IB certificate stamped by the organization that grants the certificate in Genève, the Egyptian Embassy in Switzerland or General Department of Examinations in Egypt in case the school is inside Egypt
  • Proof of 12 years of schooling obtained from Egypt stamped by School stamp and certified by the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • Proof of 12 years of schooling obtained from outside Egypt stamped by School stamp, Ministry of Education in the country of the school, the Egyptian Embassy in that foreign country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • For Arab students, Arabic and Religion test scores of Thanaweya Amma level, stamped by the school and the Educational Zone the school belongs to.
  • For Arab students, Arabic and Religion obtained from outside Egypt, the required stamps are: School stamp, Ministry of High Education in the country of the school, the Egyptian embassy in the country of the school and the ministry of foreign affairs in the country of the school.

Arab Countries Certificate

The Original Documents Of:

  • Original High School Certificate stamped by the Egyptian Embassy of the certificate’s country and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (No certified copies will be accepted).
  • Students applying with a Saudi Arabian High School or Emirati must submit the original stamped certificates of Grade 11 and Grade 12.
  • For Saudi certificate, in case of not studying the tenth or eleventh grade in Saudi Arabia, the student must submit certificates for these school years from any country where he/she studied it.
  • Saudi Arabian High School must be presented with aptitude test scores along with the username and password to verify
  • Students applying with a High School Emirati must submit the original stamped certificates of Grade 11 and Grade 12.


The Original Documents Of:

  • Original high school certificate stamped by the home country Ministry of Education (to be stamped later from the home country embassy in Egypt and the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 
  • Original birth certificate stamped by the Egyptian Embassy in the home country and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo