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Field of Media Production

Outstanding Academics Experience

The field of media production is a widely growing field, with lots of great opportunities for creative individuals. 

At GU, we prepare our students with all the knowledge and skills they will need to excel in this competitive field and guarantee themselves a rewarding career. The special studying environment we created allows students to unleash their creativity, learn to work in teams and prepare to deal with everyday challenges. 

This field offers 2 programs: Media Production and Advertising Production, both programs are delivered through an innovative teaching method, with the support of the most advanced labs and workshops in the MENA region.




Study Media Production at GU

If you are looking for the perfect first step toward an outstanding career in Media Production, then GU is the best choice for you. Here are some reasons why; 

  • Gain practical skills from day one, through practice-based learning and project-based courses.
  • Bachelor’s degree accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, and the Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt.
  • State-of-the-art academic facilities.
  • A supportive culture that promotes innovation and excellence.
Strategic Objectives
Core Values


The Faculty of Media Production aspires to be a unique school at local and regional levels. It prepares graduates with professional global standards in different types of media production. The faculty aims to be an active research school addressing the challenges of media changes as well as changes of social, cultural, and political significance.


Based on theoretical and professional skills, the Faculty of Media Production strives to develop programs of study that prepare globally qualified graduates to fulfil changing media market needs and who are capable of working in different media fields based on professional and ethical standards and scientific research.

Strategic Objectives

  • Continuously fulfilling the needs of the media industry with qualified graduates with up-to-date professional skills and knowledge.

  • Bridging the gap between the reality of the media industry and the ongoing developments in the region and the international arena.

  • Leading university media studies toward market-oriented needs.

  • Identifying current media problems and realistic solutions through scientific research

  • Keeping up with the latest developments in the mass media industry and media field of study in both curriculum and scientific research.

  • Deepening students’ sense of social responsibility and positive response to community problems.

Core Values

  • Transparency and credibility: exchanging information and knowledge and making them available to all affiliates of the faculty; namely students, academics and administrative staff.

  • International Vision: embracing international experiments, ideas and experiences, the positive interaction with different cultures, as well as encouraging cooperation with research centers and outstanding equivalent faculties.

  • Equality and equal opportunities: enforcing laws and regulations without discrimination and ensuring everyone’s right to utilize available opportunities.

  • Encouragement of creativity and distinction: providing a scientific and practical environment that supports the cultivation of creativity and a culture of excellence.

  • Quality: committing to the highest scientific and pedagogic standards and continuous development of the research and educational process.

  • Belonging: increasing students’ and staff’s sense of national belonging through boosting national spirit and placing public interest above all other considerations.

Why Study Here?

Galala University is offering its students an unmatched educational Experience, powered by Arizona State University, thorough;

  • The innovative educational model that brings together advanced teaching methods in a state-of-the-art facility.
  • 37  future-based programs in 16 unique fields of study.
  • Dual degree opportunities from ASU #1 university in innovation in the U.S.
  • Futuristic programs that are designed to match current and future market needs.
  • Accredited bachelor’s degrees
  • Dynamic campus experience in a unique location at the heart of Galala city.

Become a global student without crossing borders. Join the first private Egyptian university that offers you world-class education and dual degrees from America’s Top ranking university, at Egyptian fees.