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Mohamed Abo-Zied

Mohamed Abo-Zied 

Professor Of Microbiology/Dean of Basic  Sciences



Dr. Abo-Zied is a highly accomplished researcher in the field of Soil, Plant, and Environmental Sciences, with a distinguished academic and research background.

He earned his Ph.D. in Soil, Plant, and Environmental Sciences from Universita Degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II) Italy in 1995, marking the beginning of his illustrious career in academia and research.

Dr. Abo-Zied’s affiliation with DISSPA commenced in 2000 when he joined as a visiting researcher. His dedication and contributions led to a continued affiliation from 2004 to 2012, during which he played a pivotal role in advancing the research agenda of the institution.

Throughout his career, Dr. Abo-Zied has been actively engaged in scholarly activities, particularly in the realm of microbiology. He has served as a peer reviewer for eleven refereed journals, lending his expertise to ensure the quality and rigor of scientific publications in his field.

As a mentor and supervisor, Dr. Abo-Zied has guided and supported the academic development of numerous students. He has supervised a total of 34 Master’s and Ph.D. theses, nurturing the next generation of researchers and scholars.

Dr. Abo-Zied’s scholarly contributions are extensive and impactful. He has authored or co-authored over 52 publications, demonstrating his depth of knowledge and expertise in his field. Additionally, he has presented 13 conference papers, contributing to the dissemination of research findings and fostering dialogue within the scientific community. Furthermore, his contributions extend to the realm of academic literature, with two book chapters to his credit.

Overall, Dr. Abo-Zied’s dedication to research excellence, coupled with his extensive publication record and commitment to mentorship, solidifies his reputation as a respected figure in the field of Soil, Plant, and Environmental Sciences. His contributions have significantly enriched the scientific community and advanced our understanding of microbiology and related disciplines.



  • B.Sc. Microbiology/Chemistry.
  • Ph.D. Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli “Federico II”. 1995.

Teaching Experience

Under-Graduate Courses:

  • Microbial Toxins [3rd Year students – Microbiology/Chemistry].
  • Microbial Toxins [B.Sc. students – Microbiology].
  • Microbial Transformation [B.Sc. students – Microbiology].
  • Industrial Microbiology [B.Sc. students – Microbiology and B.Sc. students Microbiology/Chemistry].
  • Antibiotics [B.Sc. students – Microbiology and Microbiology/Chemistry].
  • Fermentation [B.Sc. students – Botany/Chemistry].
  • General Microbiology [Pre-dent students]. (Two Years).
  • General Microbiology [1st year Biology students].
  • General Biology (101 BIO) “Foundation Year”, Faculty of Science, Taibah University/ K.S.A. 2013-2015.   
  • Essay & Sci. Res [B.Sc. students – Microbiology].
  • Microbial By-products [3rd Year students – Appl. And Anal. Microbiology].
  • Microbial Products [4rth Year students – Applied Biotechnology]. 

Post-Graduate Courses:

  • Physiology of Fungi. [M.Sc.].
  • Physiology of Microorganisms [M.Sc.].
  • General Mycology [M.Sc.].
  • Food Biosafety (Cr.hr.) [M.Sc.].         

Thesis and Projects Supervision

  • Ph.D. thesis (Total no.): 18 Ph.D. thesis.
  • M.Sc. thesis (Total no.): 16 M.Sc. thesis.                                                                                                       
  • Graduation Projects (Total numbers): 2 Grad. Projects (Biotechnology).
  • Author/Co-author: Two approved Ph.D. Channel System Grants from the Ministry of Higher Education (General Administration of Missions) with the Italian CNR (one of them moved to UK).        

Journals’ Reviewing

  • Editor in Chief: Egyptian Journal of Pure and Applied Science. 2021-2023
  • Peer Reviewed for: Science Alert Journals http://www.scialert.com Asian Journal of Science.
  • Research Journal on Microbiology.               
  • Peer Reviewed for: Phytopathologia Mediterranea (FURPRESS)_ (Journal of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union). 
  • Peer Reviewed for: Weed Research (Journal of European Weed Research Society).                                                     
  • Peer Reviewed for: J. Agric. Sci. Technol. (JAST).      
  • Peer Reviewer: European Journal of Plant Pathology (Springer nature). 
  • Peer Reviewer: Journal of Plant Pathology (Springer nature). 
  • Peer Reviewer for the following Egyptian Scientific Journals: Egyptian Journal of Botany; Egyptian Journal of Microbiology; Egyptian. J. of Experimental Biology.
  • Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Biology and Fisheries; Assiut University Journal.                                                          


Area Of Research

  • Microbiology
  • Mycology
  • Microbial Products
  • Biological control
  • Antimicrobial Resistance


  • 2000/2002: Participated as a Research collaborative in the Italian National Project within the EUROPEAN-COMMISSION Project (COST ACTION 849-Working Group).

  • Biological Control Programs and Management in Sustainable Agriculture Field.                                                                                                

  • Use of microorganisms and their bioactive metabolites for biological control of parasitic weeds e.g. Orobanche and Striga species. Project lasted for two years starting in September 2000 and ending in October 2002. In: Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e dell’Ambiente (DISSPA, NAPOLI – ITALY) in collaboration with Istituto di Scienze dell Produzioni Alimentari (ISPA, BARI – ITALY). 


  • 2022/2023 Coordinator for Research team in the University STRAT.PLAN Funded Project: Assessment of hospital wastewater disposal hazards with a special scope on designing biological model and nanocomposite photo catalysts for treatment. Project Research Idea: Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to a growing awareness about the management of hospital effluents, and the role of this waste in spreading pathogens and various toxic chemicals. This has highlighted the need for strong research efforts in order to accurately assess the risks of hospital wastewater disposal in the local sewer system and its impact on the receiving environment, and to study the efficiency of the available treatment processes in the disposal of hazardous waste.


  • 2017: Field: Agriculture and biological science. Title: Natural anti-mold as a new trend to improve silage safety and enhance milk productivity in ruminants. [ Nasr El Sayed Yahya Mohamed El-Bordeny/ Ain Shams University, Faculty of Agriculture and Antonio Evidente/ Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli, Department of Chemical Sciences. (3rd )] ASRT bilateral research proposals with CNR of Italy. 2017.


  • 2023/2023: ( Fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food systems from primary production to consumption) – Proposal acronym ARCA4FOOD; Draft proposal ID: SEP-211012092 (HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01)/ HORIZON-RIA/ HORIZON-CL6-2024-FARM2FORK-01-11.

Awards/Honorable Mentions

  • Nominated as Egypt’s’ Representative in EU Mediterranean COST Action. 2002
  • University Mastery Award for Distinguished Scientific Researches in Basic Sciences. 2005
  • IASTEM Award Certificate of Excellence – Int. Academy Sci., Tech., Eng. & Manag. Best presentation & Best content. April 2019.

Academic Positions

  • Professor of Microbiology. 2012
  • Head of Microbiology Department. Years: 2009-2010; 2017-2019
  • Coordinator Biology Program for Medical Track, Foundation Year TIBA University. Years: 2013-2015.
  • Vice-Dean Post Graduate Studies & Research. Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University. (2019-2022), (2022-2023).
  • Head of Basic Science Sector: Ain Shams University Annual Conference: Years: 2021, 2022 and 2023.
  • Chairman of the Standing Committee for Postgraduate Studies and Research. Years: 2020/2021; 2021/2022; 2022/2023 – Till Now.
  • University Mastery Award for Distinguished Scientific Researches in Basic Sciences. ASU (2005); II. IASTEM Award Certificate of Excellence [Int. Academy Sci., Tech., Eng. & Manage. Best presentation & Best content]. (April 2019).
  • SCI/ASU. Research Ethics Committee Chief. 2021- 2023.
  • Member in Judging Committee of ASU Innovation Program. 2020/2021; 2021/2022.
  • Member in the International Relations and Academic Cooperation Sector/Protocols Committee (ASU President in 4/4/2023.
  • Official Candidate of Ain Shams University for the Promotion Committee for faculty Members in Egyptian Universities – Basic Science – Botany Committee “Microbiology”. 2023
  • Rapporteur of the “Laboratories and Scientific Equipment Committee” of Ain Shams University. 3 Years (2020-2023).


ASU Participations

  • Supervising the Preparation, Documentation, Establishment and accreditation of Scientific Research Ethics Committee of the College of Science in 2021.                                                                                                                                                      
  • Preparing and fulfilled the college’s final file with the standards required by the postgraduate studies and research sector to participate in the file submitted for the government excellence competition [2021/2022 and 2022/2023.
  • Preparing and Progressing file of Ain Shams University in the “Best University in Applied Research Published – Creativity and Industry Association” competition. 2021.

National Participations 

  • A team member “Evaluator” for research projects of Ain Shams University to apply for the Initiative of the Ministry of Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt “Youth for Development”. Year 2021/2022.
  • A team member in Committee of Ain Shams University to study and evaluate a proposal for a program to design and manufacture a micro-satellite with the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences. [ASU President Approval (278) in 10/02/2021].