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Unit of Sustainability and Environmental Development (USED)

The Unit of Sustainability and the Environment at Galala University is committed to promoting a sustainable future by encouraging environmental consciousness, caring for natural habitats, and utilizing renewable resources. They aim to achieve this by introducing environmental issues through seminars and workshops, raising awareness among the community, organizing environmental events, and providing scientific and technical consultations for new projects in the region. Moreover, the unit strives to establish links between the university and stakeholders from industry, government, and the private sector to achieve its strategic goals.


Our vision is to assist Galala University in becoming an internationally recognized and excellent innovative community committed to making the world a better place. We strive to be environmentally conscious, caring about natural habitats, and utilizing renewable resources.


Our mission is to support Galala University in achieving its goal of being an inspiring and stimulating academic environment. We aim to act as a development hub for the community and enrich wider society through environmental development programs and projects. Our focus is on satisfying the demands of the internal and surrounding community.


  • Introduce environmental issues through seminars and workshops for students, faculty members, and the public.
  • Raise awareness and disseminate information among community members inside and outside the university.
  • Organize environmental events, conferences, and seminars that directly serve the environment and the surrounding community.
  • Preserve the environment by providing scientific and technical consultations for new projects in the region, utilizing the expertise and resources of the Galala University community.
  • Supervise the preparation of plans and programs that ensure the achievement of the university’s role in environmental development.
  • Establish links between the university and stakeholders from industry, government, and the private sector.x

Our Aim

We aim to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness by introducing environmental issues, raising awareness, organizing events, and providing scientific consultations. They also aim to establish links between the university and stakeholders to achieve their goals and enrich society through environmental development programs.

Recent Unit Activities

Environmental Awareness Day 2023

World Environment Day 2023 serves as a reminder that people's actions towards plastic pollution have a significant impact on the environment. The measures that governments and businesses are currently taking to address plastic pollution are a direct result of this awareness. It is now imperative to scale up these efforts and make a transition towards a circular economy.

SDGs Workshop

In this workshop, we will discuss the purpose of the event and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We will also explore the importance of sustainable transformation for our organization. Through various activities, we will brainstorm ways to promote SDGs in research, teaching, and community service. Finally, we will assess the workshop's success.